Sveta Milano Blog

Ermione long jumper with Sveta Milano logo

Sublimating the need to live in a better world, far from the stale and conservative rules of a r...

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Say hello to 2022!!!

Slow Fashion: less than slow, more than fashion

Supporting slow fashion is about more than positively impacting the environment. It’s about makin...

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Slow Fashion: less than slow, more than fashion

Desacralize to find a new way to the sacred | A new beginning

Sublimating the need to live in a better world, far from the stale and conservative rules of a r...

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Desacralize to find a new way to the sacred | A new beginning

The Garden of Dissidents

'Il Giardino dei Dissidenti' è il primo episodio della serie Utopia di Sveta Milano. Un luogo di...

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Il Giardino dei Dissidenti

Knitwear – an item both for smart working and a night out with your gang

L’estate è ormai finita ed è ora di dare una rinfrescata, o meglio una riscaldata (😎) al nostro g...

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Knitwear – perfetto per lo smart working e per gli aperitivi con la tua gang

Which Floral Dress is right for you?

Spring is officially here and once again as we see the world bloom we want to bloom right along w...

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Which Floral Dress is right for you?

Men Fashion Week: which trends can we expect next September?

Men fashion weeks in Paris, London, Milan, Florence are over and we are now full of inspiration f...

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Men Fashion Week: which trends can we expect next September?

Next spring, get ready to sparkle with sequin dresses!

I'm in love with sequin dresses! Ok now that I said it, we can start. Do we all agree that they'r...

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Next spring, get ready to sparkle with sequin dresses!

Sustainable fashion: an unsustainable conundrum

I know you're tired to read about sustainable fashion but if we take a trip into the great machin...

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Sustainable fashion: an unsustainable conundrum

Streetwear: down jackets rock!

Streetwear, lo stile del disinvolto, la moda dell'appartenenza ai Millennials, per coloro che se...

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Streetwear: i piumini sono fantastici!
